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Mental Roadblocks

(NOTE: This blog post is more of a vent, it may be privated in the future)
Experimenting with my site design and tryna make it look all good and pretty has helped put my mind off of stuff. Namely ex-friends trying to be some sort of self righteous heroes in their eyes (it's to the point that multiple friends, including one who is like 8 or so years older than me and the exes, have stated that the methods against me are insanely too far and that it's purely just ignoring me to create a sense of being the better person and I'm being harassed and I worry over being stalked on Steam now). I did some bad stuff and have been learning better and fixing my behavior but all it took was to be framed to have this new hell happen and I have gotten a therapist which has been helpful to start working on myself beyond what I can do for myself on my own. But the conclusions that ex friend has jumped to so he can justify his horrid behavior gets nuttier and nuttier, to the point he made up seeing entire images that didn't exist on my Pinterest boards. But honestly? The more I rethink our relationship the more I think he was toxic for me. Which that older friend said she kind of picked up on that possible behavior due to how he's acted in the other communities. Honestly, he really did always ignore me and my concerns meanwhile he'd get upset for me doing similar and think he needed to come about and fix me in some way. Honestly, I just wanted to put that out there. I did shitty things to people and I know that but cause of the fake shit thrown that made those friends just jump into ignoring any possible progress I could (and have) had since. Oh well, aside from the occasional harassment from him, I'm doing much better with healthier relationships. I have my next therapy session later today too, actually.




1st Blog - 1/28/23
Mental Roadblocks - 2/1/23